Friday, July 10, 2009

Glacier Lilies & Rainbows

Island Park, Idaho has always been the best vacation spot for me. I have been going up to our family's house there since I was a tiny kid & I was so happy to get to go this spring finally, after 3 years of being gone - the longest I have ever gone without going up there. It was so beautiful, with the snow melted & the Glacier Lilies blooming away, we couldn't have asked for better weather or a more fun trip.

Our first day there, we biked to Big Springs to see the giant rainbow trout under the bridge. Ethan loved feeding the fish & Aubrey was fascinated by the seagulls that swooped in, stealing the fish's bread that we threw. There was a little spot by the dock that Ethan liked to sit & watch the minnows & the Caddis larvae crawling in the water, dragging their little shells of rock over the sand.

We stopped on the way home & fished in a gorgeous stream, catching & releasing several Rainbows with some new flies that Austin had tied. Ethan liked wading in the river - getting his feet & pants wet, & spotting the fish for Daddy on the bridge above. We loved every day there, going fishing, biking & shopping in West Yellowstone (which is only 20 minutes from the house).

It was so nice to spend the weekend with Mom, Dad & Granny Morton - whom we don't get to see very much anymore. We are very much looking forward to going back this Fall for huckleberries!!


Lethe said...

Awwww...what an awesome adventure you guys had! Please send our aloha to your ohana too! Vacations are the best, huh?!

Shannon said...

Island Park really is the best vacation spot, I'm glad you had a good time :)