Tuesday, April 29, 2008

First Giggle

Hello everyone! Wanted to share Aubrey's first giggle with you all. Almost seems like she's going to explode! Finally gets a great giggle at the end of the clip! Austin & I spent much of the day yesterday out in the sunshine working in the garden. Ethan is our official seed planter - as he & daddy like to say, he "pead" in the garden! He is excited for his strawberries & carrots. He is also in charge of feeding his 5 baby chickens that Grandpa Charlie & Grandma Dona got for Easter. Ethan especially loves to give them caterpillars from the garden. Our chicks are really cool! They are actually a Chilean breed - which makes Austin happy, and they are really beautiful! Ethan has named his favorite white one "Chicken Joe," who is the biggest & greediest.
Having fun outside!

1 comment:

nadine said...

Thanks for sharing. It will be fun to watch Aubrey as she grows from giggles to laughter. Congrats on huge catch, gardening in the sunshine and being a happy family.

Love, Arnold and nadine